Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies @ FAU

Who we are

Being highly interdisciplinary, the chair of Science, Technology, and Gender Studies (STGS) is unique within the German academic system. We analyze the relationship among scientific knowledge, technological systems, and society, addressing the most important challenges of the contemporary world through a critical and gender perspective. We think across the traditional divide between the social sciences and humanities on one side and the natural sciences and engineering on the other. Given FAU’s strong connections to high-tech industries and involvement in innovative engineering projects that affect our everyday lives, the chair offers a chance for a critical participation in the making of technoscience and builds its research and educational projects on shared, interdisciplinary interests.

Current Courses held by the chair at the FAU can be found under Teaching.

General News

Lasst uns reden: Forschung und Initiativen gegen Rassismus an der FAU Am 14. Mai findet deutschlandweit der zwölfte Diversity-Tag statt und natürlich ist auch FAU mit einem tollen Programm dabei.

Veranstaltet wird der Diversity-Tag vom Büro für Gender und Diversity zusammen mit dem Vizepräsident...

The Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies - Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg was honored to be invited to the grand opening of the new exhibit in the "Atombunker im Nürnberger Hauptbahnhof".

The ABC bunker was built in 1977 below the Nuremberg main trainstation and was ...

This is the after movie of the international winter school 'Transnational History Lab' that took place from 5th to 10th February 2024. The movie aims to provide general impressions and document the events of a highly successful gathering, facilitating an open exchange between young and senior schola...
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Lectures and Keynotes

We would like to get into conversation with you! Together with experts from the faculties and central strategic projects as well as students, we will discuss opportunities and challenges in the field of internationalization and critically self-reflect the issue of racism, which we are also confronted with at FAU. ...

Professor Rentetzi gives a talk on the Nuclear Bunker as an Archive of the Future: On the Brink of Time as part of the Anthropology Lecture Series at the Chair of Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie mit Fokus Afrika, Universität Bayreuth. 30.4.2024 at 18:00-20:00.
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Current Workshops

Current Projects